Use Your Past Hurts to Move On in Life

June 1, 2008

Although my past is a combination of 50 percent failure and 50 percent success, I don't regret any of my past failures I've encountered in my life. But the good thing is failures are already a dead issue for me. If I'll drag past failures behind me, I can't gain momentum moving towards tomorrow. And I don't want to follow the footsteps of people who drag their failures and hurts with them wherever they go. And the result is, they have had never make any progress.

I made lot of mistakes in my life, or I had an especially difficult past with many obstacles. But thank God, with the learned right kind of attitude, I had surpassed them all by working my way through it and moving on. Other individuals who had overcome tragedies or mistakes to pursue their potentials, and well known personalities who fought back from adversity and become a successful person, inspired me to developed my potential to overcome past hurts and obstacles and continually grow with the right attitude and thinking towards obstacles and failures. Now I know that obstacles must not prevent me from reaching my potential and goal.

I remember a Spanish proverb says, “A person who does not look ahead remains behind”. That is true. Mistakes, hurts and failures from the past will remain if we do not look ahead. I mean focus creating solutions, not problems. Past mistakes create problems within our journey if we drag our past hurts. It will prevent us to move forward. We should focus on the future and use the past as a learning experience.

I’ve also learned that we should not let failures go to our heads. Instead of dwelling on the negative consequences of failure, we must learn from our mistakes and think about how we can improve our situation and ourselves. We should understand that failure could either bog us down or help us along our journey depending on our attitude towards it. A Failure remains a failure unless we don't learn from it. If we're not continually learning, we're going to make the same mistakes over and over again. It's okay if we fall down as long as we learn something as we get up.

Everyone has had failures from the past. The fact that we have been knocked down is interesting to others who are against us and those who don't believe on us (don't mind them). The important is the length of time we remain down and the things we learn while we're down and how we get up.

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