15 Reasons Why Cowboys Make Great Lovers

May 19, 2008

After dating bad boys, sports enthusiasts, Wall Street types and every kind of guy in between, I found a rare group of men perfect for today’s American women – the cowboy.

The cowboy retains some of the old traditions and manners that are hard to find anymore. A cowboy will open a door for you, speak only respectably to you, and court you the old fashion way. If you are tired of the modern guy, try a cowboy.

  1. The southern drawl is absolutely adorable.
  2. He'll respond to almost anything you say with, “Yes, Ma'am.”
  3. His tight jeans make his rear always on display.
  4. Typically, cowboys are shy and like to take it slow.
  5. Will work from sun up to sun down without a single compliant.
  6. Works most the time with his shirt off.
  7. Will take you on a romantic horseback ride.
  8. Knows how to change a tire.
  9. Doesn't mind when your hair and makeup are not done.
  10. Knows how to use his hands.
  11. Knows how to grill a mean t-bone steak.
  12. Takes everything, “like a man.”
  13. He respects his elders.
  14. He looks great on a tractor.
  15. He wants to go for a roll in the hay, literally.

So saddle up and head on out to the nearest rodeo and rope yourself a cowboy!

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