The Appeal of the Bad Boy

May 19, 2008

Ten unanswered phone calls, numerous text messages and no reply, but you're still not giving up. There's something about the bad boy that makes you keep chasing him, no matter how much he messes you around.

We've all been there, or at least met a guy like him. He's the guy who can't look after himself properly, let alone treat a girlfriend well. Yet he is rarely single or seen without a girl hanging off his arm.

He may be a bit of a player, even cheating on his girlfriends, but the bad boy has endless appeal.

You see, how good would it feel to be the one who finally tames him? The one who he's not going to stray from?

The only problem is, this guy is not going to be easy to pin down for long.

I'm all for the idea of playing hard to get to keep us on our toes and remain a little mysterious. However there's a big difference between treating us mean to keep us keen, and being just plain mean!

It can get pretty annoying when you spend lots of time, effort and phone credit pursuing the bad boy only to get nothing back in return but a broken heart.

So it's time to delete his number and look for Mr. Nice Guy. You know, the one who replies to your texts within 30 seconds of you sending it.

Thought not. He just doesn't have the same allure does he?

Surely one more text can't hurt.

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